A more thorough section on the physical and sensory effects is certainly necessary. Unfortunately, I am very pedantic on detail and if I really tried to capture this in depth, it would be way too long. An excellent framework for this is psychonautwiki's list of visual effects. From this, a list of dichotomies can be created which can be answered simply and easily. Of course, reducing those effects to two poles somewhat obscures the full range and intensity of those effects, but it's an easy and efficient way to document them. On the note of this being too extensive, I will at some point make a survey entirely for sensory effects, that is much more detailed.
Considering the focus on cognitive effects, it is obvious that the L-L questionnaire was built from the context of and for the purpose of serving the field of psychology. And while this survey is also primarily concerned with psychology, it attempts to touch on it from several angles (sensory, somatic, spiritual etc). The initial revised version is comprehensive, monumental, and perhaps a bit excessive. Perhaps not the most practical for administering to someone under the influence of a drug. I don't know how to be concise, I really don't. If anyone is capable of trimming this down to an abridged version, I would be eternally grateful. The way I envision this is that the one conducting the survey wishes to focus on a specific area of the psychedelic experience, and thus they can select the questions that focus on that area. The questions are classified under the following categories:
1. Are there discernible alterations to visual stimuli? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Shifting or changing of perceived colors
b. Drifting textures
c. Deepening textures (textures becoming more '3 dimensional')
d. Swirling/Warping
e. Breathing
f. Flattened depth perception
g. Segmentation/partitioning of visual field
h. Double vision
i. Blurred vision
j. "Fisheye lens" effect
2. Are there discernible visual stimuli that did not exist at baseline (Hallucinations)? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Tracers/afterimages
b. Textures forming into stationary patterns and geometry
c. Textures forming into mobile patterns and geometry
d. Mirroring and repeating of patterns or textures
e. Pareidolia
f. Diffraction around lights
g. Flashes of color, light, or darkness
h. Changes in viewing perspective
i. Non-patterned 2-dimensional images, objects, or entities
j. 3-Dimensional objects or entities that do not physically exist
3. When the eyes are closed, are there discernible stimuli that would correspond to visual stimuli?
4. Does the sense of vision feel enhanced?
5. Does the sense of vision feel obstructed?
6. Have objects been rendered symbolically unrecognizable?
7. Are there discernible alterations in auditory stimuli? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Increase in pitch
b. Decrease in pitch
c. Echoing/reverberating
d. Increased auditory texture
e. Abolition of auditory-spatial perception
f. Amplification of ambient noise
8. Are there discernible auditory stimuli that did not exist at baseline? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Voices
b. Music/melodies
c. Droning/Ambient sounds
9. Have auditory stimuli and language been rendered symbolically unrecognizable?
10. Do certain sounds or music illicit deeper emotional response or euphoria?
11. Do tactile sensations feel numbed?
12. Do tactile sensations feel amplified?
13. Is a 'tingling' feeling present?
14. Are spontaneous tactile stimuli being felt that did not exist at baseline?
15. Do you feel as if you exist at a different scale than normal?
16. Do your appendages feel out of place relative to their actual location?
17. Does sensation in certain areas of the body feel amplified in relation to others?
18. Does it feel as though sense of momentum and control over your movements is improved?
19. Does it feel as though you are very lightweight?
20. Does it feel as though you are very heavy?
21. Does your ability to move feel hindered?
22. Does it feel like your appendages have more momentum than they actually do?
23. Does your body appear foreign or alien?
24. Do any of the following negative feeliings present? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Dizziness
b. Exhaustion, weakness, or grogginess
c. Coldness or chills
d. Hotness or sweating
e. Nausea
f. Diarrhea or vomiting
g. Dry Mouth
h. Pressure in the head or inner ear
i. Headache
j. Restlessness or 'itchiness' in the appendages
k. A strong overall feeling of discomfort when being still
l. Increased heart rate
m. Decreased heart rate
n. Shortness of breath
o. Muscle or joint aches
p. Muscle or joint tension
q. Other aches or pains
r. Uncomfortable feelings of external pressure
s. Overwhelming stimulation
t. Excessive yawning
u. Twitching or spontaneous muscle contractions
v. Runny or congested nose
w. Difficulty urinating
x. Photophobia
y. general discomfort
25. Do any of the following positive feelings present? If yes, Check all that apply:
a. Alleviation of existing pain
b. Orgasmic sensations throughout the body
c. Pleasant warmth
d. Intense feelings of comfort, as though one was sinking into a soft surface
e. Functional stimulation
f. Relaxing sedation
g. Pleasant tingling, buzzing, or vibrating
h. Pulses or waves of pleasant sensation
i. Increased stamina
j. General feelings of relief or relaxation
26. Have you felt somehow as if you were melting or merging into your surroundings?
27. Are there distortions to your sense of taste? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Amplified sense of taste
b. Suppressed sense of taste
c. Altered sense of taste (ie, something spicy tasting sweet)
28. Are there gustatory (taste) sensations that did not exist at baseline? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Metallic flavor
b. Sweet flavor
c. Bitter or chemical flavor
d. Salty flavor
e. Sour or acrid flavor
f. Other pleasant flavor
g. Other unpleasant flavor
29. Does sense of smell feel amplified?
30. Does sense of smell feel suppressed?
31. Does it feel as though certain senses are acting in synchronicity? If yes, check all that apply:
a. Vision
b. Hearing
c. Taste
d. Smell
e. External tactile
f. Internal somatic
g. Proprioceptive
h. Other
1. Have you felt like a child?
3. Have you felt as if some of what you have been doing is really not your doing at all?
5. Have you been thinking about things or taking interesting in things you don't usually engage with?
6. Has any particular thing fascinated you-held your attention so that you found it hard to leave it?
7. Does one idea, thought, or image keep coming back again and again?
8. Have events or experiences seemed illogical or disconnected?
9. Do you feel apathetic?
10. Do you feel paranoid?
9. Do you feel apathetic?
10. Do you feel paranoid?
11. Have you felt that you were withdrawing from reality or losing your hold on the real world?
12. Have you felt that you have lost or may lose control of your actions?
14. Do you feel as though your actions will have no consequences?
15. Have you been at all afraid that you might go crazy or lose your mind?
16. Are you unsure of how others are responding or reacting to you?
18. Do you feel like you can interact with others more easily?
19. Have you been talking more than usual?
20. Have you found it hard to talk?
21. Have you felt that certain things were especially clear to you or that you understood them better?
22. Have you seen any new connections between certain events or experiences that you hadn't seen before?
23. Do you feel more eloquent and articulate?
24. Do you feel more focused?
25. Do you feel narcissistic or vain?
26. Do you feel as though you have a greater understanding of the workings of your own or others' minds?
27. Do you feel as though your cognitive power has been enhanced?
28. Have you found it hard to concentrate on the tasks being given to you?
29. Is it hard to hold onto thoughts, ideas, or images-do they seem to get away from you when you try to catch them?
30. Do you feel as if your judgment is impaired?
31. Has your mind been a blank at times, so that you have had no thoughts at all?
32. Have you felt as if you were standing aside and watching yourself?
33. Have you felt like a different person at times?
34. Does your sense of self feel altered or abolished?
35. Have you felt as if you were not even human?
36. Has time been passing faster than usual?
37. Has it been passing slower than usual?
38. Has it felt that time has come to a standstill or stopped now and then?
39. Are you imagining places, situations, or beings that do not exist?
40. Do you have thoughts about imaginary things that make them seem real?
41. Do you feel as though things you have imagined are encompassing you?
42. Do you feel more accepting of things that would normally seem outlandish or fantastic?
43. Have you been thinking or talking a lot about your childhood (other than in response to questions about it)?
44. Have distant memories come back with clarity?
45. Do you feel as though your short term memory is compromised?
46. Do you find that while you are answering a question you tend to forget what the question was?1. Do you feel especially happy?
2. Do you feel optimistic towards the future?
3. Do you feel a sense of solace and belonging?
4. Do you feel a sense of overwhelming calm and relief?
5. Do you feel a sense of "oneness" or love for the world around you?
6. Do you feel an increased appreciation for your peers/have a desire to express that to them?
7. Do you feel as though you are more receptive to love and friendship from others?
8. Do you feel as though you want to cuddle with, embrace, or amicably and nonsexually physically interact with others?
9. Do you feel an increased sense of empathy towards others?
10. Do you feel more open to interacting with strangers?
11. Are you overwhelmed with feelings of love and happiness, to the point where it is difficult not to smile?
12. Do you feel entirely comfortable around others, like you can say what you want and be yourself without fear of judgment?
13. Do you feel especially proud of yourself?
14. Do you find yourself talking about personal things you wouldn't usually talk about?
15. Do you feel more logical/rational?
16. Are you experiencing mood swings?
17. Do you feel as though you need to cry for any reason?
18. Does it feel as if emotions have been blunted or rendered nonexistant?
19. Do you feel depressed or sad?
20. Have you pessimistic towards he future?
21. Do you feel a sense of guilt, shame, or self loathing?
22. Do you feel an overwhelming sense of impending doom?
23. Do you feel isolated or lonely?
24. Do you feel trapped, or as if there is no escape from your negative feelings?
25. Does it feel as though this experience is going to end in disaster?
26. Does it feel like you have done something terrible to yourself, others, or the universe?
27. Do you feel as if you would rather be dead?
28. Do you generally feel a sense of discomfort and malaise?
29. Does it feel as though someone or something is taunting, mocking, or torturing you?
30. Do you feel afraid?
31. Have you felt angry or annoyed?
32. Have you lost control over your emotions or feelings?
1. Does it feel like this experience has given you new insight into the nature of the world or yourself?
2. Does you feel refreshed or reborn?
3. Do you feel as though this has been a significant experience relative to the rest of your life?
4. Do you feel as though some issue you had been dealing with beforehand has been alleviated?
5. Does it feel like this has exacerbated or is exacerbating pre-existing issues?
6. Have you found yourself pondering painful or sorrowful memories?
7. Do you feel like you have developed new perspectives on things?
8. Do you feel sexually aroused?
9. Do you feel as though you would perform better sexually than you would normally?
10. Do you feel yourself having sexual attraction to things or people you normally do not?
11. If applicable, does sexual activity feel better than usual?
12. Do you feel sexually suppressed or incapable of feeling arousal?
13. Does it feel as though you may incur long term consequences due to this experience?
14. Do you feel as though you will not be able to function as you did before this experience?
15. Do you feel as though your state of mind prior to this experience is now impossible to comprehend?
16. Do you feel as though your power to imagine things has been improved?
17. Do you feel artistically inspired or feel a compulsion to create and express yourself?
18. Do you feel more artistically skilled than usual?
19. Do you have a greater appreciation for works of art or feel as though you are able to understand artistic works better than usual?
20. Does it feel as though your ability to create has been suppressed?
22. Do you feel as though you have reached out and connected to some sort of metaphysical higher power?
23. Does it feel as though a metaphysical higher power has reached out and connected with you?
24. Have you had an experience that aligns with the beliefs of a pre-existing religion? If so, which?
25. Do you feel a sense of unity with nature and the world around you?
26. Does it feel as though your sense of self is merely an illusion in the face of a larger power?
27. Have you left your body and had your consciousness exist in other places or realms?
28. Does it feel as though your perception has transcended other dimensions?
29. Does it feel as though you have accessed an entirely different world or universe?
30. Do you feel like your perception of the limits of our reality has been challenged or expanded?
31. Do you find yourself questioning whether things you have witnessed or experienced during this time were real or not?
32. Do you feel entirely dissociated from humanity and this universe?
33. Do you feel as though you will not return to the reality in which you started when you began this experience?
34. Have you made contact or communicated with some other force or entity that may not physically exist as we understand?
35. Have you made contact with some form of sentience that may be a facet of yourself?
36. Does it feel as though there is some other reality underlying ours or projecting ours?
37. Did you encounter them?
I went too hard, this is too big. I hope I cut out some of the redundancy of the original test however and I hope I've organized it in a more sensible order. Nevertheless, this needs some serious trimming. Next post is going to be about quantifying and representing this. Perhaps this is a fool's errand.
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