Age: 29
140 lbs
90 mg intransal
Setting: At home. Very late at night. Just
watched “The Truman Show” with my spouse.
[Please note: I have developed a dissociative tolerance and I also prefer strong experiences. This is a massive dose for a normal person. For someone without a tolerance I would suggest starting at 20 mg for this compound. For someone without a tolerance an experience of similar intensity to mine would likely be found at the 50-60 mg range]
Per usual, the preface is a lot of chem and
pharmacology jargon. Skip it if that is not of interest. An quick summary of
the compound is at the end.
O-PCPr was first detected when it was being
sold as O-PCE at the end of 2024. Yet another egregious mislabeling error with
dissociatives, as with the whole FXE fiasco. I am not sure if this is a failure
on the part of QA or the development team in the labs producing these drugs. Nevertheless,
a number of test samples that have been correctly labeled as O-PCPr have now
been sent out from that same lab, indicating that they plan on offering it for
wider sale soon, though this remains to be seen. Unlike my series of PCiPr
analogues that have just been curiosity driven passion projects from small
researchers, this one seems like it may actually have some market force behind
Identity of this compound was confirmed via ASAP-MS and 1H/13C NMR, which can be provided upon request.
O-PCPr follows a pretty logical path for the
design of a novel arylcyclohexylamine. It is simple 2’-oxo-PCPr, no
substitution on the phenyl ring. It is the same basic concept as DCK (which one
could call O-PCM), or O-PCE.
With so many close relatives, what kind of
effects can one predict from this drug before consuming it? This drug does
exist in literature, it was actually among a series of compounds synthesized
and analyzed for receptor affinity by my colleague Dr. Anush Abelian for her
dissertation. The NMDA Ki
value to related compounds in the paper like DCK, O-PCE, and MXPr, tells us is
that this compound is probably less potent than its known relatives. Ki values
often correlate to potency but don’t always cleanly correspond. I felt fairly
comfortable starting with a higher dose when titrating this compound. And lo
and behold, by my findings, if I took my tolerance out of the equation, I would
say 50 mg of this would be equivalent to 40 mg of DCK or 25 mg O-PCE.
This opens up some interesting horizons with
structure activity relations too. There aren’t too many PCPr based compounds
floating around out there. The only comparisons I have are MXPr and
3,4-MD-PCPr. Both of which are quite unique. It is still hard to get a read on
the general “vibe” of the propylamine series. What can be seen now is the
pattern for 2’-Oxo-substituted arylcyclohexylamines. A methyl group has
moderate affinity, activity spikes with an ethyl, and then falls back down
again for a propyl, and presumably falls further with longer carbon chains (As
an aside there is evidence that a sec-butyl amine is actually quite active and
potent! But I maintain the prediction that an aliphatic (straight chain)
butylamine would see a steady drop in affinity from the aliphatic propyl). The
isopropyl configuration additionally seems to bind better than the long aliphatic
propyl. This pattern is also seen in the 3-phenyl substituted analogues (in
this case, MXM, MXE, MXPr, and MXiPr)- in which MXE is the most potent, MXM has
a similar potency to MXPr, and MXiPr falls somewhere in between. (As an odd
aside, per Abelian’s dissertation, the affinities of MXPr and MXiPr are
actually higher than MXE! This is a case of affinity not fully correlating to
in-vivo potency). This pattern maps on to the simple phenyl substituted ACH’s
to some degree, and this is seen in Jason Wallach’s dissertation, though in
this case, the methyl has a significantly lower affinity than the propyl. No
idea how that would map onto in-vivo potency though, as we can see with the MX-
style compounds, there is a clear divergence in that correlation sometimes.
Anyways, I digress, none of these numbers
tell us what this drug is actually like! O-PCPr is short acting, heavy, smooth,
insightful, suggestible, and ever so slightly stimulating beneath the
heaviness. The headspace is fairly lucid throughout. Motor skills are pretty
compromised, visuals are dark and neutral and indistinct. There are rushes of
euphoria throughout. I think it is a fun compound that lends itself to casual
use. If I want to make comparisons, it is like a more stimulating DCK. It bears
little similarity to O-PCE or MXPr for that matter, it is a manageable
headspace, there is no stultifying confusion. Even at moderate doses I was able
to pull myself out of it and focus and function (which I did, during a
devastating neighborhood crisis on one occasion). But it was nice to just sink
in and get couchlocked by it. It is cozy and comfortable and smooth.
I will note that this compound seemed to
slightly aggravate bladder and urinary symptoms. I am not sure if this is a
personal sensitivity but I would suggest users to be vigilant of such effects
and report them if experienced!
T0:00- Dose administered intranasally. Mild
sting. Odor reminiscent of latex housepaint. Listening to Dub and relaxing on
the couch.
T0:05- Spouse is telling me about intertidal
spiders. I never knew those existed! I'm reading about marine insects now, the
sea striders, Halobates. There is a slight dizziness but there is already an
inquisitive and focused headspace that drives me to read about things, similar
to what I experience from psychedelics. Some numbness and softness and
clumsiness in my extremities already.
T0:08- It is hitting so fast. I am very
dizzy. The room is spinning. My thoughts are still focused but it feels like
they're starting to trip up on each other a little now and move more slowly.
There is a distinct euphoric rush. It is hitting fast. I feel like I am sitting
on an inflating balloon. Tracers begin to present visually.
T0:15- My head feels heavy, like there is a
big metal cube inside of it. I am so dizzy, it feels dizzying to have my airy
body support such weight. The room suddenly feels so drafty. There is a phantom
sensation of wind all across my skin. I feel like I should be cold but I’m not.
It feels like my entire body is wobbling and rippling in slow motion. It’s all
so slow. My limbs are starting to feel so heavy and droopy like well-packed
clay. There are open eyed visuals presenting as a sort of static or rainbow
visual snow. There are no distinct patterns other than neat arrays of dots in a
T0:30- I smoke a little bit of cannabis. I
have just enough motor control for that. I feel so dense, everything is hitting
so fast. Sounds are beginning to flange and reverberate. It feels like my
entire visual field is shaking and flashing. I feel so heavy but my limbs also
feel inflated by helium, it is as if all parts of me are floating up except for
a dense heavy core anchoring the great balloon that is my consciousness and its
perceptions of my body. I feel like a ball of lead on a vast plane of foil,
sinking down and pulling the swirling ribbons of physicality around it as they
dance in the persistent winds. I am a rock in the storm. There is such a
gleeful rush to this feeling. My personal form is drooping and taking the form
of the couch beneath it. I am sinking and sinking. I also need to pee. I am
easily able to will myself up and walk upstairs, quite unsteadily.
T0:40- I am pretty dissed but I am able to
talk to my spouse coherently. We chat about aquatic spiders and the behaviors
of different spiders around water, like how fishing spiders will use the
surface of water like an orb weaver would use its web- a vast vibrational field
that can sense disturbances so they can be pursued. I too feel like the dainty
hairy feet of the great Dolomedes spiders on the rippling surface of something
immensely deep and dark. A hot air balloon drifting over a vast sinkhole. But
instead of airy updrafts, the breeze pulls me in, deeper into its mouth, deeper
into the hole. The depths beckon; I plug in headphones, turn off the lights,
and play The Books’ final album “The Way Out”, a beautiful sound collage with
excerpts from hypnosis and autogenic instructional tapes. I don’t normally opt
for music with human voices so this proves to be an interesting experience.
I lie down and my body collapses into a
puddle of quicksilver, dense and conforming to the surfaces it lies upon. Dim
forms begin to materialize and loom over me, it feels like an entire shadowed
world is laid out before me, an obscure geography begins to manifest in the
sinuous violet deep rolling plains and unctuous pools and marshes before me,
but as my balloon drifts over this nocturne fen-scape it seems the landscape
comes up to greet me, geography folding in to encapsulate me, with the opaque
black mirror still tannin bogs to my back, the tickling of the marshgrasses on
my front and above me a hazy pastel twilight sky with no sun. This is a hole
where my form feels relatively still in the mist, graced by the swirling
dissociative winds, ready to be greeted upon by the synesthetic reactions to
other stimuli. And so the multisensory and synesthetic experience continues
onwards throughout the twists and turns of “The Way Out”, and in here I begin
to feel my reaction-cognition suddenly grow more sensitive and unprotected as if
bared away by the steady breeze: I keep finding unnerving little dysphonic
notes in the music that I may not have sensed before; I can feel my thoughts
spiraling fractally outwards in response to perceived negative stimulus hits
from certain sounds. It all feels too exposed, it all feels too vulnerable. I
feel like my brainstuff is on display, I feel at the mercy of a chemical that
has laid my mechanisms bare. Thankfully this chemical is benign. All it will do
with my neurons is slather them in buzzing syrup and let then all soak
together. They will relax in their salon and feel sensitive and suggestible and
There is still little sense of motion beyond
slow and consistent following along tracks lacking something in dynamics of
motion. As I ever so slowly drift, images and forms do still coalesce around my
consciousness, fold in from the environment to make themselves apparent to me.
This is a very solipsistic and lonely hole. With some compounds, the hole makes
me feel like I am a visitor to a realm of titans. This hole makes me feel as
though I am slowly drifiting through ancient and forgotten ruins, wind
bellowing through their empty halls like a de Chirico painting, places that
have been empty since before the temple of human cognition had been crafted.
The structure of this twilight hole is
expansive, mountainous, stoic and still, even as forms matter-of-factly and
placidly replicate and recur upon themselves like hopper crystals. There was
always a sense of things coming together, building heavier, ever heavier. My
perceptions of physical self also did not feature much distortion or
alteration, I was always a still body in the gentlest breeze, at times
cocooned, entombed or locked into armor or sarcophagi or mysterious pods, most
motion was me simply being still and being manipulated by other perceived
physical forces. Other dissociatives holes I could feel like my physical self
was being twisted, bent, folded, expanded and contracted in impossible ways, but
beyond a persistent floppy sinking feeling, this was not the case here. The
nature of the hole was neutral, and I suspect highly sensitive to set and
T1: 15 – I transition out of the hole as my
physical body becomes more difficult to ignore. It does not take much effort to
sit back upright and operate a computer again. I still feel very heavy, I still
feel very dazed. Every function of my body and mind feels like I am in slow
motion. I often just space out for a few seconds at a time, not really thinking
about anything, just perceiving the state I am in. The room is dark. There are
visuals drifting down the surfaces and indistinct dark spaces all around me,
cascades of regular arrays of dots, shifting and morphing a little. Everything
is gently flashing. As the shock of being in a hole state wears off and my
normal cognition begins to quickly reassemble and filter back in, I just go
back to reading about things on my laptop. I read about the phenomenon of
hypnosis. I feel like I am made of gummy. My limbs feel heavy and buzzing and
moving them is labored. But I am content to move as minimally as possible.
T1:30- Everything feels so slow. I am
surprised to realize only an hour and a half has passed. The time dilation, particularly
in the hole space, is remarkable. The intensity has leveled off at this point,
I am sitting there in a focused daze like a monsoonal downpour of doom metal
riffs is crashing down on me. I am not stupefied, incapacitated, or blankly
staring off into space, but the presence of the drug is still overwhelmingly undeniable.
T2:00- I still feel the same as before. The comedown
seems steady and gradual. There’s no mania, but still a focused drive to read things
and engage in tasks. There is still a bit of slowness in my thoughts and
reactions, like each neural impulse has to fight through slush to reach the
next synapse, but the pieces to be a functional mind are all still there. It is
a focus but it is a soft focus, still blurred, still not at full capacity. MXPr
in its comedown left me confused and frozen in place, unable to really think or
do anything and leaving me no desire to engage with anything. This is quite
different from that. It’s a perfect state to competently engage with a mostly
mindless videogame, in this case, I dust off my N64 cartridge of Pokemon snap
and try to max out my scores. I become engrossed with finding an online
leaderboard for this ancient game and find a quiet joy in seeing all these
people from around the world still dedicating themselves to being the very best
they can be for the sake a game hardly anyone plays anymore for only the most
niche recognition. I find my mind, in its exposed softness, has taken itself to
that sort of saccharine sentimentality, there are a lot of little beautiful
things in the dark and quiet places in the world late at night, on pages of
website with hardly any traffic, or perhaps a drug is just making me feel
something profound about the dick-measuring contest of hyper-competitive gaming
for dubious achievements that will forever be shrouded in total obscurity. But perhaps
I am doing the same with drugs.
T3:00- I definitely feel further down. Cognitively
I am close to being back to baseline, though I still feel suggestible and
malleable- things like immediately believing obvious misinformation before
scrutinizing it, fixation on certain thoughts or beliefs, I feel as though the
right person could convince me to believe or do anything right now if they
communicated it in the right way. Most of the remaining sensations are in my
body- now just as numbness and heaviness. There is perhaps a bit of lingering
stimulation in my mind, not true “stimulation” as in anything I can overtly
feel, just that I would probably have a hard time falling asleep if I were to
lay down right now.
T4:00- Almost entirely down. Just the last
lingering vestiges of that aforementioned numbness and heaviness in my body.
T5:00- Fully back to baseline. Go to sleep (With
my prescribed 50 mg of Trazodone).
Conclusion: I think this drug is excellent as
a heavier dissociative for casual use- I think many users will even find it
preferable to ketamine- not just because of its higher potency, but because of the
slightly more engaging and lucid headspace too, at points quite euphoric and
focused and sentimental without becoming too confusing or disorienting. The
higher potency of course does mean that it may lend itself less to casual use
as one can not eye out doses like they do with ketamine, but I find this one to
be pretty forgiving at high doses, owing to its that somewhay lucid headspace.
The heaviness is mostly in the body and even at a very large dose it wasn’t
particularly disorienting, though it could be physically incapacitating. It has
a very rapid onset with sudden upwellings of euphoria, a short peak duration
and a longer, pleasant, functional comedown that is overall quite agreeable.
The hole space is dim and indistinct but still interesting and quite malleable
to whatever sensory inputs one lends themselves to. I believe holing on this
drug with the appropriate music could provide for some phenomenal experiences,
but on the flipside, it may prove very sensitive to set and setting and in the
wrong place at the wrong time could be an unpleasant experience. It doesn’t
have quite the same level of esoteric thought and deep-diving insight as DCK might
have- in fact if I had to describe it based on comparison I would say the most
accurate description is a slightly more stimulating DCK with a slightly shallower
and more casual headspace- a headspace that I find projects itself outwardly
onto the user’s inputs and surroundings as opposed to the inwardly gazing world
of DCK. A great way to finish off a dark night. As I stated in the intro, I did
notice some urinary effects in the time after taking it, though I don’t know
whether this is just due to my own sensitivities or could have even just been
coincidence with timing. I urge other experimenters to be vigilant for such
effects and report if they notice similar. Overall though, I think this is an
excellent, easy, euphoric, malleable, and forgiving compound that will
certainly find its fans.